Drought in East Africa: people are starving

Drought in East Africa: people are starving

Photo: Don Bosco

The situation is getting worse: 1.4 million children are at risk of starvation in East Africa. The people in Somalia, Nigeria and South Sudan are suffering from the worst drought in years – in many regions it has not rained for months.

The consequences are dramatic: To avoid starvation, more than 12 million people need humanitarian aid from abroad. Large parts of the population of East Africa have no access to drinking water because a large part of the sources have already dried up. The cattle die and the fields dry up. People in East Africa are starving, and the already weakened infants and children are the first to be affected. A humanitarian catastrophe of enormous proportions is looming. If help doesn’t come, people will die.

Photos: Don Bosco


Children are starving and the global community is watching. Tens of thousands of people will die if we don’t help them immediately.

Ute Henriette Ohoven

The frightening images have been emerging for a long time. Months ago, experts warned about the El Nino climate catastrophe and the dramatic consequences from which people are now suffering more clearly than ever. Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia are particularly badly affected. The ongoing drought period is hitting them the hardest. While people were previously able to survive on their meager supplies, they are now feeling the harvest failures and dry seasons all the more painfully. They have nothing left. Thousands of people have left their villages in search of water and green space for their livestock. More and more people are fleeing to relief camps and big cities, where they hope for aid deliveries from abroad.

Unrest and terror are contributing to the aggravation of the situation. In desperately poor South Sudan, for example, civil war has been raging for years. Agricultural returns are becoming increasingly difficult to achieve and food prices are skyrocketing. The YOU Foundation is currently intensively collecting donations to help people with water and food deliveries. For malnourished children, the helpers on site need special supplementary food.

Your donation counts! Please save people from death.

Donation details:

You Foundation – Education for children in need

Commerzbank Düsseldorf
IBAN: DE 72 300 400 00 0 34 80 100 00

Purpose: famine

The YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need, an initiative of UNESCO Special Envoy Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven, is committed to education for the poorest of the poor worldwide.



YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need
Grafenberger Allee 87
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany


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