Pilot Training Farm for Small Farmers

Pilot Training Farm for Small Farmers


An Important Step in the Formation of Agricultural Education

BURKINA FASO / MALI: The Hauts-Bassins Region, Kénédongon Province, in Burkina Faso and the third (3ème) Region, Circle of Sikasso, Mali share the same climatic, demographic, social and economic conditions as West Africa. Both Burkina Faso and Mali belong to the Sahel Zone and are among the poorest countries in the world.

While Africa must feed 13% of the world’s population, the continent produces only 4% of the world’s poultry products. For many people living in Africa, consuming poultry products is considered a luxury. Due to the significant percentage of young people in the African population, the need for a diet including animal protein is high.

Adequate education for poultry famers does not exist. Therefore, small farms are not in the position to correctly manage their businesses. In addition, the farmers are not well informed as to how to prevent or treat animal diseases. The quality of production is inefficient.

Because of increasing demand, frozen poultry meat is being imported from Brazil, China, or the EU. Given the appropriate financing, highly qualified technical skills and an increased quality, the local poultry industry would benefit from more demand and improved market positioning.

Training specifically for the poorest small farmers

The pilot project training farm in Burkina Faso and Mali has the goal to provide a model farm that supports small farmers in developing a professional representation of interests and in creating a sustainable finance system with a central sales approach. The project will guide the farmers in all aspects of poultry production. Trainings programs that regularly include the poorest of farmers and imparts their agricultural know-how will be developed. Also, the control of livestock health and hygiene will play a significant role in the training program.

The pilot farm will include a small hostel for those farmers who live too far away from the training center. A training location will be provided by the community mayors. A special focus will be placed on female managed farms to ensure their economic success.

Sustainable Assistance for Self Help

Die Landwirtschaft und kleine Unternehmen werden nachhaltig gefördert. Langfristig soll die Geflügelzucht in den Ländern insgesamt gesteigert werden, die Eierproduktion erhöht und das Einkommen der Farmer verbessert.
Ein sehr wichtiger Aspekt ist zudem, dass die Ernährung der Menschen entscheidend verbessert wird, die Ernährungssicherheit gefördert wird und zudem ein Beitrag zur Gesundheit der Bevölkerung geleistet wird.

The YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need, an initiative of UNESCO Special Envoy Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven, is committed to education for the poorest of the poor worldwide.



YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need
Grafenberger Allee 87
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany


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