Thanks to the Charitable Drive RTL – WE HELP CHILDREN

Thanks to the Charitable Drive RTL – WE HELP CHILDREN

Wolfram Kons with a cheque for YOU Foundation

Access to water is a fundamental human right. Without water, there is no life.

According to the UN Human Development Index, Ghana still belongs to the list of the world’s least developed countries and according to the World Bank it is one of the most in debt countries in the world.
45% of the population lives on less than 1$ a day (extreme poverty level).

In villages in the central, east, west and Volta regions of Ghana, the droughts mean extreme water scarcity. Thanks to the very generous contribution of the RTL charitable drive – We Help Children, the YOU Foundation can now build 9 fountains and create access to clean water for the population.

(Foto: MG RTL D / Stefan Gregorowius)

Water is the most important resource for life and development and a basic human right.

However, in reality, the situation is often much different. Many villages in rural Ghana still suffer from in adequate water supplies. Experts agree that 75% of all illnesses in Ghana occur due to unsanitary water. Due to poor water quality, defective pumps, or not enough water, the drinking water wells often only partially work or in part, do not work at all. The fountains’ water yield is often limited due to blockages from limestone, iron, and manganese oxide buildup.

With the new wells, villages where there is water scarcity will be able to, together with the joint efforts of local businesses and community members, secure access to water. Field studies are being performed to define the time commitment of the well building project and with the data from the field studies, detailed questionnaires are being compiled and transcribed by the on-site team.

In addition, water samples are being taken and the quality of the water is being analyzed in a laboratory.

„Thank you to all the donors and the RTL charitable drive – We Help Children for this generous donation check! In our industrialized countries, we sometimes forget what water means: without water there is no life, no food, no development!“
Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven

#RTLSpendenmarathon / #RTLWirhelfenKindern / #RTLStiftung

The YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need, an initiative of UNESCO Special Envoy Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven, is committed to education for the poorest of the poor worldwide.



YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need
Grafenberger Allee 87
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany


We use your donation directly where help is most urgently needed.

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