A significant improvement for the people

A significant improvement for the people

To improve the quality of life and ensure a sustainable future for the families in BARAKA many different projects and programs are realised: homes and infrastructure, quality education, vocational trainings, woman empowerment, health care, microcredits and income-generating activities such as social micro-businesses.

The best way to reduce poverty-related refugee flows!

The video shows once again very nicely the change in living conditions when people can live in solid structures.

The YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need, an initiative of UNESCO Special Envoy Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven, is committed to education for the poorest of the poor worldwide.



YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need
Grafenberger Allee 87
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany


We use your donation directly where help is most urgently needed.

© YOU Stiftung – Bildung für Kinder in Not