Turing Recycled Plastic into School Furniture: A Recycling Project Brings Training and Income to Women

Turing Recycled Plastic into School Furniture: A Recycling Project Brings Training and Income to Women

Recycling plastic waste is not only easy and profitable, but also gives extremely poor women in Burkina Faso and Mali the chance to earn a regular income. This project shows that recycling is a sustainable way of helping people in need to help themselves.

A life without plastic is currently unimaginable. Shopping bags, packaging, clothing, toys and electrical appliances are either made of plastic or at least contain it. As soon as the products have served their purpose, they end up in the trash – and most of it in the sea, as over ten million tons end up in the oceans every year. The only way to save the blue planet from this extreme environmental pollution, which also threatens people’s living space, is to change the consumption and handling of plastic products.

Recycling provides training opportunities and income

Sustainable environmental relief can be achieved, for example, by recycling plastic waste. This solution does not incur any costs. As a joint recycling project by the YOU Foundation and its partners shows, it even creates income from which extremely poor and disadvantaged women’s groups in Burkina Faso and Mali particularly benefit.

“The children also benefit from it”

At the recycling center in Koloko, women are trained and equipped in the areas of plastic waste collection and recycling so that they can process the recyclable materials and use them to make school furniture.

“The production and sale of benches and chairs not only creates a sustainable source of income for women.” Children also benefit from this because they no longer have to learn while sitting on the floor,” says Ute-Henriette Ohoven, special ambassador for UNESCO .

The school furniture produced is sold to public and private schools in Burkina Faso and Mali. With the help of sales, the project financed itself and thus ensured its sustainability.

Any support is welcome! With a contribution of 10, 20 or 50 euros you ensure the training of more women and thus support an income-generating measure.

Donation details::

You Foundation – education for children in need

Commerzbank Düsseldorf
IBAN: DE 72 300 400 00 0 34 80 100 00

Purpose: Education


The YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need, an initiative of UNESCO Special Envoy Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven, is committed to education for the poorest of the poor worldwide.



YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need
Grafenberger Allee 87
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany


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