Author: Christina Uhr

Health and Happiness Begin Where Hunger Ends

One cooked egg a day can be lifesaving and contributes to improved nutrition and provides children and pregnant women with a significant portion of the needed minerals, carbohydrates, and proteins. With this project, we enable the poorest of families to purchase and care for egg laying hens. Poultry farming offers parents the opportunity to secure […]

What Do the Global Goals Have to Do with COVID-19 Vaccinations?

#Art4GlobalGoals – art for the goal of sustainable development in the world – with this motto a light show interpreted by the star artist Leon Löwentraut and in conjunction with the YOU Foundation and Geuer & Geuer Art will be projected from May 5 to May 18 onto the Rheinturm in Düsseldorf.  Using high performance […]

International Women’s Day – 8th of March

On today’s International Women’s Day, UNESCO is focusing on Women in management positions. For gender equality and the representation of women’s rights, women are essential as leaders! “In 2021, as the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic continues to exacerbate all the divisions in our world, particularly those due to gender inequalities, it is more important than ever […]

A significant improvement for the people

To improve the quality of life and ensure a sustainable future for the families in BARAKA many different projects and programs are realised: homes and infrastructure, quality education, vocational trainings, woman empowerment, health care, microcredits and income-generating activities such as social micro-businesses. The best way to reduce poverty-related refugee flows! The video shows once again […]

Repurposing Plastic Waste in Mali and Burkina Faso

The work on the Plastic Recycling into School Tables project began in January 2020 with an awareness campaign by the local team to provide information to the administrative authorities in Mali (Sikasso) and Burkina Faso (Koloko). In conjunction with this, environmental meetings were organized.  The first environmental meeting concerning the repurposing of plastic garbage was […]

The YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need, an initiative of UNESCO Special Envoy Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven, is committed to education for the poorest of the poor worldwide.



YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need
Grafenberger Allee 87
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany


We use your donation directly where help is most urgently needed.

© YOU Stiftung – Bildung für Kinder in Not