“Back to normal” UNESCO campaign

“Back to normal” UNESCO campaign

As a UNESCO special ambassador I would like to recommend this film to you for viewing
Yours Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven

« Now is our chance to build a better normal »
On Thursday 25 June, UNESCO has launched a campaign and a film to question our perception of normality and the “return to normal” after the Covid-19 pandemic.

The 2’20” film is not based on complicated arguments. It presents factual information about the world before and during the pandemic. Together, these facts invite viewers to question their ideas about what is normal, suggesting that we have accepted the unacceptable for too long. Our previous reality can no longer be accepted as normal. The time has come to change.

This campaign calls for awareness. It is part of UNESCO’s broader effort as a global laboratory of ideas about the world to come, through initiatives such as the UNESCO Forum, a laboratory of ideas bringing together leading intellectuals, the Resiliart movement, a virtual forum for debate on the future of culture and cultural industries, the Futures Literacy Network, the Futures of Education programme, and the Global Recommendations in favor of Open Science and the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.

The film was produced by the DDB Paris agency, a long-time partner, notably on our actions in favour of press freedom. You will recognize the music by Clint Mansell, composer of the soundtrack for the Black Mirror series. Many media partners have already shown their enthusiasm for the campaign and its message and will broadcast it free of charge on their networks: NBC, Euronews, Al Jazeera, France Télévisions, Canal+, IPS, Youtube…

We invite you to share this film, in its short or long version, with your networks. It is a first: never in the history of UNESCO has there been an institutional campaign of this scope, centered on our general message, beyond specific programmes.
• Access all videos
• It’s in the news: CB News (UNESCO questions our perception of normality) INFLUENCIA (UNESCO x DDB°Paris question the norm and the absurdity of our societies)

The YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need, an initiative of UNESCO Special Envoy Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven, is committed to education for the poorest of the poor worldwide.



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