

Students at the PBSA Düsseldorf majoring in architecture have supported the development of a district for refugees. In cooperation with the „Bund Deutscher Architekten (BDA)“, they undertook a complete urban planning and design in and for the Senegalese Baraka (a refugee slum in the middle of Dakar) on behalf of the YOU Stiftung. In addition, […]

758 Million people can neither read nor write

On the occasion of the upcoming UNESCO World Literacy Day on September 8, UNESCO-Goodwill Ambassador Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven challenges organisations, initiatives and governments to step up their efforts to improve global literacy.


Below you will find links to download all our information materials, including annual reports, flyers, brochures, auditor opinions and our statutes. Annual Reports of the YOU Foundation Our last annual report provides additional information about our work. UNESCO Publications Adressing Water Security Using ISCED diagrams to compare education systems Learn for our planet The United […]

The YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need, an initiative of UNESCO Special Envoy Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven, is committed to education for the poorest of the poor worldwide.



YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need
Grafenberger Allee 87
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany


We use your donation directly where help is most urgently needed.

© YOU Stiftung – Bildung für Kinder in Not