Giving the world a future through your legacy

Many people wish to take the world of the poorest into account with their own contribution in their will, to make our world more livable and humane, to protect and support children, young people or women, to promote education, training, health projects and human rights, to secure a future worth living for the poorest and to reduce extreme poverty or hunger.

You can record specific project goals in your legacy so that your donation can be used according to your specifications.

Should something change in your situation or your wishes, a will can be revoked, changed and adjusted at any time. We would be happy to advise you or offer estate administration.

Commitment to people in need through a will donation is also tax-deductible. For inheritance donations to non-profit organizations, according to § 13 para. 1 Inheritance Tax Act a tax exemption. You can the
YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need, therefore, donate their inheritance without incurring any tax payments.

The testament
Would you like to use your estate to do something good? By remembering a charitable organization in your will, you can create something that has always been close to your heart. With the financial support in favor of the YOU Foundation, you can help shape the future of our children, young people or mothers in your interest. In this way, your values ​​and ideals can continue to exist. We use your legacy the way you want it, so we can help the beneficiaries live a better life.
The project can be realized on your behalf.

It is possible to give the YOU Foundation financial support, securities or valuables. Or you make us your heir and we regulate all rights and obligations with professional experts and legal advisers.

With a will or an inheritance, you have the opportunity to support the work of the foundation long-term even after death. As a result, your social commitment lives on. In doing so, they send an effective signal of humanitarian obligation and take care of children, young people and mothers who are in need and are threatened by hunger and poverty. With your legacy, you are giving them a more humane life and a hopeful future.

| Download the information brochure on the subject of inheritance

If you have any questions or suggestions, our employees are available to you in a personal conversation.

Do you have questions about wills and inheritance?

The YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need, an initiative of UNESCO Special Envoy Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven, is committed to education for the poorest of the poor worldwide.



YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need
Grafenberger Allee 87
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany


We use your donation directly where help is most urgently needed.

© YOU Stiftung – Bildung für Kinder in Not