Food Security in Africa: Farming Could Become Development Motor of the Continent

Food Security in Africa: Farming Could Become Development Motor of the Continent

Claudia Jerger (right) talking with Dr. Albert M. Geiger (left) about innovative project work with IMPACT, an effective and holistic approachz.

The trend of sustainable climate friendly farming is growing. In times of growing world population and ever decreasing natural resources, this topic is more important than ever. A potential solution is the digitalization of agriculture in developing countries.

During the discussion held by ALPHAZIRKEL, a question that stood in the room all evening long was: “What will we be able to (still) eat in the future?” Ten kilograms of grain and 5,000 to 20,000 liters of water are necessary to produce one kilogram of beef. Both grain and water are precious resources in the production of food and could be used more effectively.

More than every second person in Africa is hungry

In Africa, where over half of the population suffers from hunger, the digitalization of farming could reduce poverty and allow for the production of more food. This would mean that less women and children need to go hungry. This is possible through “innovation hubs” which are showing much promise in the fight against hunger.

Income generating measures are the most important element

Claudia Jerger, Vice President of the YOU Foundation, spoke at the podium about the innovative project work with IMPACT, an effective and holistic approach. Self-supporting project solutions that are scalable and pilot projects can serve as examples. Income generating measures are the most important element in every vocational training project today. Else, more and more educated people without jobs will become economic refugees. Every training course should be coupled with a small business that understands the people and operational needs of the area. This also applies to agriculture and especially in Africa’s food supply chains. Focused development of farming will provide lasting help for people to continue helping themselves.

The You Foundation already has examples of how such projects could look like in Burkina Faso and Mali. Here, training farms are being used to educate people on how to operate small poultry farms. Here, people acquire the skills and knowledge to increase egg production whilst improving farm hygienic standards.

Sample project: training farms for poultry production

In Africa, the You Foundation is supporting several income generating projects that allow people, especially women, to attend a variety of training courses that will allow them to be more independent. In all the projects, the goals for sustainable development – also known as SDG’s or Global Goals – are pursued.

Please join us and support the YOU Foundation in organizing and implementing measures that will allow people in Africa to live a humane life.


You Stiftung – Bildung für Kinder in Not

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IBAN: DE 72 300 400 00 0 34 80 100 00

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The YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need, an initiative of UNESCO Special Envoy Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven, is committed to education for the poorest of the poor worldwide.



YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need
Grafenberger Allee 87
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany


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© YOU Stiftung – Bildung für Kinder in Not