Fr. Stefania Giannini – Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO (detail):

“Every child has the right to quality education, health, food and adequate nutrition. Every child has the right to thrive to reach their full potential. In addition, the education, health and nutrition of young people are not only an investment in a country’s future and in people’s abilities, but the basis for a productive and fulfilling life.

These fundamental rights are interrelated. Many boys and girls simply cannot go to school or take full advantage of educational opportunities due to disease, hunger, poverty and marginalization. These are very serious obstacles to efforts to realize the fundamental right to education for all.

Although significant progress has been made in recent years, today’s challenge is greater than ever. School closures due to COVID-19, affecting more than 1.6 billion students in almost every country, have exacerbated the learning crisis – with the greatest impact on the most vulnerable and poor.

With school closures, students also lost access to essential health and nutritional support, including school meals – a demonstration that schools offer much more than just education.

The number of early school leavers has risen sharply, as have early childhood marriages, pregnancy, and mental health problems.

And now the unfolding global crisis of fuel and food prices is driving millions of children into hunger and poverty around the world”…

The YOU Foundation also implements school canteen projects, which are then continued independently by the parents’ committee and the school management:

Approximately 80 – 150 children between the ages of 3 and 6 are cared for with these projects.

We aim to combat malnutrition and malnutrition in schools. This is in line with Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDGs): eradicate hunger, ensure food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

This includes meeting the internationally agreed targets for stunting and wasting in children under five by 2025.

The aim of this project is: To contribute to the improvement of the nutritional status of 3 to 6 year old school children with the following results:

  • The children attending school have access to healthy and sustainable school meals,
  • The nutritional monitoring of the children is ensured.


Eliminate hunger, ensure food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

Die YOU Stiftung realisiert auch Schulkantinen-Projekte, die nach der Realisierung von den Eltern-Komitees und der Schulleitung selbstständig weitergeführt werden:

Mit diesen Projekten werden ca. 80 – 150 Kinder im Alter von 3 bis 6 Jahren betreut.

Dabei zielen wir darauf die Unter-/und Mangel-Ernährung der Kinder in Schulen zu bekämpfen. Dies steht im Einklang mit dem zweiten Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDGs):  Hunger beseitigen, Ernährungssicherheit gewährleisten, Ernährung verbessern und eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft fördern.

Dazu gehört auch, dass die international vereinbarten Ziele für Wachstumsverzögerungen und Auszehrung bei Kindern unter fünf Jahren bis 2025 erreicht werden.

Das Ziel dieses Projekts ist es: zur Verbesserung des Ernährungszustands der 3- bis 6-jährigen Schul-Kinder beizutragen mit folgenden Ergebnissen:

  • Die Kinder, die in der Schule anwesend sind, haben Zugang zu einer gesunden und nachhaltigen Schulausspeisung,
  • Das Ernährungsmonitoring der Kinder wird sichergestellt.


Hunger beseitigen, Ernährungssicherheit gewährleisten, Ernährung verbessern und eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft fördern.

The YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need, an initiative of UNESCO Special Envoy Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven, is committed to education for the poorest of the poor worldwide.



YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need
Grafenberger Allee 87
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany


We use your donation directly where help is most urgently needed.

© YOU Stiftung – Bildung für Kinder in Not