Duesseldorf, Christmas 2022

Dear friends of YOU Foundation,
Dear supporters and partners, 

Another year is coming to an end.
We experience moments of great danger for our one world.
Conflicts, war and climate disaster, mistrust and division,
extreme poverty, hunger and disease,
massive displacement and resettlement and huge refugee movements. 

With each of these threats, the Sustainable Development Goals move further into dangerous distance

However education and sustainable development cannot wait!


The YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need has been counteracting this development for years and works and provides help for self-help through education and measures in the poorest countries. The well-being and improvement of livelihood for children and young people are our main goals, because they are the future of our one world.

Some examples of our this year’s projects that enable us to make a positive contribution for needy people are 

  • Emergency humanitarian aid for Moldova for Ukrainian war zone afflicted people to provide food, baby food and necessity, school supplies, lodging, hygiene items, medical products, etc.
  • BARAKA / Dakar, Senegal: Reconstruction of training and craft rooms, remodeling of a new dental studio, training of craftsmen/craftswomen and income-generating activities, health promotion through volunteer work by doctors, implementation of an Internet café, support for school and preschool children.
    At the same time the construction of the remaining apartment-buildings (2nd phase) for the slum population by Casa Orascom and the main project donor Mr. Samih Sawiris could successfully be continued. The 2nd move is imminent.
  • Food security in Burkina Faso and Mali: a pilot farm for training of smallholders in poultry farming and vegetable production.
  • The 3-approaches Humanitarian Assistance project for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh provides people with medical assistance and clean water, educational activities for children and youth, and skills training for women to improve health and living conditions in refugee camps.
  • Resilience & 6-approaches to sustainable development for Burkina Faso and Mali with training and empowerment, helping people to help themselves through income-generating activities, food security – reducing famine, mobility and logistics, propagating environmental protection and increasing resilience to climate change, sports for children in the border area to promote peace and cultural exchange.
  • Wild recue – reforestation & conservation: Sustainable environmental awareness & education for West Africa.
  • Strengthening the health and protection of children in slums in Pune, India
  • or for example the project to support local civil society and government actors to prevent chronic malnutrition and infant & child mortality in Burkina Faso could start.

We have been able to launch and implement many more projects. Thanks to our supporters, year after year we are able to provide people in need, especially children, with a better future, such as quality education, health care, food security, clean water and hygiene measures, WaSH and empowering parents for income-generating activities.

Our friends, dear supporters and partners,
the tasks ahead of us are immense.
We must save our planet, which is on fire!
Young people demand action – not only for themselves,
but also for the generations of the future!

We would like to thank deeply all our supporters and partners and wish you a blessed holiday season and a happy and healthy New Year 2023!


Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven und Claudia Jerger

with the team of YOU Foundation

The YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need, an initiative of UNESCO Special Envoy Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven, is committed to education for the poorest of the poor worldwide.



YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need
Grafenberger Allee 87
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany


We use your donation directly where help is most urgently needed.

© YOU Stiftung – Bildung für Kinder in Not