What Do the Global Goals Have to Do with COVID-19 Vaccinations?

What Do the Global Goals Have to Do with COVID-19 Vaccinations?

#Art4GlobalGoals – art for the goal of sustainable development in the world – with this motto a light show interpreted by the star artist Leon Löwentraut and in conjunction with the YOU Foundation and Geuer & Geuer Art will be projected from May 5 to May 18 onto the Rheinturm in Düsseldorf.  Using high performance projectors, the artist’s motives will be projected on to the Rheinturm and will create a spectacular light show every evening.

The #Art4GlobalGoals campaign, announcing the seventeen sustainable development goals of the UN, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals, was established to increase awareness that the future of our planet lies in our own hands. Everyone is responsible!  Everyone is able do something to help achieve our common goal of creating a world that offers a dignified and livable place for everyone!

Together with the state parliament of North Rhein Westphalia and its president Dr. André Kuper, #Art4GlobalGoals was able to create the once in a lifetime light show on the Rheinturm in Düsseldorf that stands for VACCINE = FREEDOM, together against Corona!

Vaccination may not please everyone and there are people against it.  However, how can people who are not vaccinated be sure that they are not the ones who on their next trip, their next adventure, their next kiss, or visit, transmit the virus to someone else? Getting vaccinated means feeling responsible for your fellow human beings.

If someone does not get vaccinated because they are scared, then empathy and community love is one possible answer to a livable world for all.   The poorest of our world, that have little or no vaccines, would give anything – minus the circulating fake news – to be vaccinated but we privileged individuals living in Europe and in other industrial nations have the luxury of choice… a new form of iniquity.

The 3rd Global Goal, health and well-being, is key to this current situation and also to this successful event at the Rhein river in Düsseldorf.

The YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need, an initiative of UNESCO Special Envoy Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven, is committed to education for the poorest of the poor worldwide.



YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need
Grafenberger Allee 87
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany


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